How to Get Involved
Make A Donation
The Alaska Eagles Charity Foundation accepts donations from individuals, businesses, corporations and other non-profits.
People like you donate what you can, it makes you feel great to know you're helping others and knowing your donation is being put to work by a trusted organization.
The AECF is a qualified organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service.
Our EIN is 81-3583556. All donations are tax deductible.
Make Checks Payable and Mail To: (A donate button through our website is in the works)
Alaska Eagles Charity Foundation or AECF
PO Box 240701
Anchorage, Alaska 99524
Grant Requests
The Alaska Eagles Charity Foundation awards grants to a variety of charitable groups. Donations are collected and awarded as grants to qualified non-profit organizations under
Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service guidelines.
To request a grant, you must submit a Grant Request Form CLICK HERE
Donation Form
Please use the AECF Donation Form provided for charitable contributions to the Grand Aerie FOE Charity Foundation, Eagles Memorial Foundation, Eagle Village, Inc. or other charitable donations outside the State of Alaska through the Alaska Eagles Charity Foundation.
Foundation Grants Awarded
AK Dive Search and Recovery Kidney Fund Covenant House-Anchorage
Alzheimer’s and Neurological Fund Chugiak-Eagle River Senior Center FOE Diabetes Research Center
Blood Bank of Alaska Pregnancy Resource Center Skagway Arts Council
Children’s Fund Heart-2-Heart AWARE
Cancer Fund The Children's Place-Wasilla
Diabetes Fund Chugiak Volunteer Fire and Rescue
Heart Fund Alzheimer's Resource of AK-Wasilla
Ketchikan Volunteer Fire Dept. Memorial Foundation
Spinal Cord Injury Fund Chugiak-Eagle River Food Bank
Freedom House-Soldotna Fairbanks Salvation Army
Alzheimer's Resource of AK-Fairbanks The Door Program-Fairbanks
These are just a few of the many organizations that show AECF is "A Foundation For Giving”